Non-pollution albino cultivation techniques

Atractylodes macrocephala is a dry root of Atractylodes macrocephala, also known as surgery, Zhejiang, winter surgery and so on. With spleen and stomach, dry warm water, antiperspirant and fetal function.
I. Morphological characteristics Atractylodes macrocephala is a perennial herb with a plant height of 30 to 80 cm. The rhizomes are thick, slightly box-shaped, gray-yellow, stems erect, and the bases are lignified. The leaves are alternate, and the lower leaves of the stems are long-stemmed. The leaves 3 are deeply lobed or pinnately 5 deeply lobed, and the margins are thorny; the petioles in the upper stems become shorter, the leaves do not divide, and are oval or ovate-lanceolate. The capitulum is solitary at the branch end and is large in size; the total sepals are 7 to 8 layers, and the base is surrounded by a round pinnate lobe. The flowers are mostly born on flat receptacles and all are tubular. Flowers, corolla purple; stamens 5, polypharmaceutical, anther linear; pistil 1, ovary inferior. Achene oblong-elliptic, slightly flat, surface tomentose, crown hairy. Flowering from July to September, fruiting period from September to November.

Second, the growth habits Atractylodes hi cool climate, afraid of high temperature and humidity, suitable for root growth is 26 °C ~ 28 °C, from mid-August to late September is the fastest period of rhizome enlargement. Seeds are easy to germinate, germination temperature is about 20°C, and more water is needed. Generally, the water absorption is 3 to 4 times the seed weight. Seed life is 1 year.

Third, cultivation techniques

1. Select the site, site preparation site selection should choose general fertility, good drainage, high dryness, cool and cool sandy loam, per acre Shinongjiajiao 2000kg base fertilizer, deep plowing 20cm, smooth flat, make a 1 ~ 1.2m wide 畦. Daejeon should choose fertile, ventilated, cool, well-drained sandy loam and avoid continuous breeding. After the former crops are harvested, apply 4000 kg of fertilizer per acre, apply 50 kg of superphosphate as base fertilizer, and pour deep into the width of 1 cm to 1.5 m.

2. Propagation methods use seeds for propagation, and production mainly uses seedling transplanting methods.

(1) nursery. Select a new plant that is full of grain, free of pests, and soaked in warm water at 25°C to 30°C for 24 hours. Seedlings are planted from late March to early April. Seeding methods are suitable for broadcast or broadcast. Before sowing, spray water on the lotus root. After the infiltration of the surface soil is slightly dry, plant the trench by 15cm spacing, depth of ditches is 4 to 6cm, and sowing footage is 7 to 9cm. The bottom of the trench is to be leveled and covered with soil after sowing. Repression, and then poured 1 times water, about 4kg per acre species. If sowing seeds are to be soaked, after the seeds have been infiltrated by the water, the seeds will be evenly spread and covered with shallow soil. About 5 kg per mu can be used. About 15 days after sowing, seedlings are planted. Before winter transplanting, about 400 kg of fresh shoots can be cultivated per acre.

(2) Transplanting. Can be transplanted in winter that year, but Zhangye City is cold in winter. In the year of transplanting, the leaves were not budding and the main buds were strong and the roots and stems were small and neat. The apricot kernels were better. Cut the fibrous roots, open the ditch with a depth of 10cm at a spacing of 25cm, and drain the saplings into the ditch with a spacing of 15cm or so. The buds point upwards and level with the ground. After the planting, the two sides were slightly repressed. After the planting, the water was poured one more time. In general, 50 to 60 kg of fresh herbs are planted per acre.

3. Field management

(1) Management of nursery (scientific cultivation). The seedlings were extirpated and the weeds were promptly sowed and the seedlings were planted at a spacing of 4 to 6 cm. If the weather is dry, grass can be planted between the plants to reduce water evaporation. In areas where conditions are available, drought can be done by watering in the morning and evening or using sprinkler irrigation. If the leaves are found late in growth, they should be removed promptly.

(2) Daejeon Management. The seedlings were unearthed until May, and there were numerous weeds in the field. The weeding and weeding had to be carried out. The first few cultivators could be deeper, and they should be shallow afterwards. After mid-May, the plants entered a period of vigorous growth and were generally no longer cultivated. If weeds were present between the plants, they could be removed by hand. The buds began to sprout in mid-June. Generally, the buds were removed in batches from the buds to the flowering buds in mid-July and mid-July. Picking buds helps to improve the yield and quality of Atractylodes macrocephala. During the growth period of Atractylodes macrocephala, sufficient water is needed, especially for roots, which require more water. In case of drought, it should be watered and irrigated in time. If water accumulates after rain, it should be drained in time. Before and after budding, you can top-dress one time, applying 20 kg of urea and 30 kg of compound fertilizer per mu between the rows, and cover soil and water after application. One week after budding, you can top-dress one more time. It should be noted that field operations such as weeding, ripping, fertilizing, and picking should be performed after the dew has dried.

4. Diseases and Insect Pest Control More diseases and insect pests of Atractylodes macrocephala are common and there are the following types:

(1) Blight. The low-temperature and high-humidity proneness occurs mostly in the field of planting and damages the roots. Control methods: reduce the humidity in the field; at the beginning of the disease, use 50% Carbendazim 1000 times water.

(2) Iron leaf disease. Also known as leaf blight. It began in April and was particularly severe from June to August, damaging the leaves. Control methods: removal of diseased plants; early onset of 1:1: 100 Bordeaux mixture, and late spraying with 50% methyl or carbendazim 1000 times.

(3) Biliary disease. Also known as root rot disease. The onset period is the same as iron leaf disease and it is a root disease. Control methods: rotation with grass crops; removal of diseased plants and disinfection of diseased holes with quicklime powder;

(4) Root rot. Also known as rot disease. The onset period is the same as that of iron leaf disease. When the humidity is high, it is particularly heavy and it affects the roots. Control methods: Breeding disease-resistant varieties; rotation with grass crops, or crop rotation; before sowing, use 50% Carbendazim 1000 times soaking for 5 minutes to 10 minutes; 50% Carbendazim or 50% A at the beginning of onset Chitobuzu 1000 times liquid irrigated area. In areas where the ground pests are severely damaged, 1000- to 1500-fold liquid dimethoate or 800-fold liquid trichlorfon can be used.

(5) Rust. May originated, injuring the leaves. Control methods: clean the garden; early onset of spraying with 25% triadimefon 1000 times. In addition, there are sclerotinia, mosaic disease, aphids, root-knot nematodes, southern dodder seed, small tiger and so on. It is forbidden to use any pesticide 7 days to 10 days before harvest, and it is forbidden to use highly toxic pesticides throughout the growing season. Fourth, harvest From late October to mid-November, when the stems and leaves of Atractylodes began to wither, the roots were shaved and the stems were cut off.

V. Seed-keeping technology

Atractylodes lucidum can be divided into strain selection and chip selection. The former can improve seed purity. Generally from July to August, the plants were selected as robust, small branches, large leaves, and flat buds. Remove buds that are opened late or early, and leave 5 to 6 buds per plant. Harvested seeds in mid-November. Select sunny days, cut the plants and cut the underground rhizomes, put the top of the ground into small ones, hang it upside down and let it dry for 20 to 30 days, then let it dry for 1 to 2 days, then thresh, lift the hair, and remove the seeds. Store in a bag or sack and hang it in a cool and ventilated place. Note that the seeds of Atractylodes macrocephala can't be sun-dried, otherwise it will reduce the germination rate

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